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DAWSON'S CREEK - STAGIONE 3 regia di Steve Miner, Lou Antonio, Michael Fields, David Semel, altri

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horror83     8 / 10  16/07/2014 19:55:55 » Rispondi
So open up your morning light
And say a little prayer for I
You know that if we are to stay alive
And see the peace in every I

She had two babies
One was six months one was three
In the war of '44
Every telephone ring
Every heartbeat stinging
When she thought it was God calling her
Oh would her son grow to know his father

I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right know
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be

He showed up all wet
On the rainy front step
Wearing shrapnel in his skin
And the war he saw
Lives inside him still
It's so hard to be gentle and warm
The years passed by and now
He has granddaughters

Oh so you look at me
From across the room
You're wearing your anguish again
Believe me, i know the feeling
It sucks you into the jaws of anger
Oh, so dig a little more deeply into my life
All we have is the very moment
And I don't want to do what
His father and his father and his father did
I want to be here now

So open up your morning light
And say a little prayer for I
You know that if we are to stay alive
And see the peace in every I

So open up your morning light
And say a little prayer for I
You know that if we are to stay alive
And see the love in every eye

Anche questa terza stagione di Dawson's creek è stupenda. L'amicizia tra i ragazzi, l'amore, le loro difficoltà, i problemi ecc. sono resi ottimamente. Dawson è un bel ragazzo e anche bravo!!!! io la consiglio. proprio una bella serie tv. peccato che non ne fanno più così. Bei tempi che erano la fine degli anni '90!!!! Questa serie tv mi è rimasta nel cuore!
hghgg  16/07/2014 20:13:41 » Rispondi
Eh già, e poi dici che non è un troll. E poi dici che non dovrebbe essere bannata, commenta con la sigla...
Angel Heart  16/07/2014 20:52:07 » Rispondi
Tutta poi... Che sfig.ata.
Filman  16/07/2014 22:02:29 » Rispondi
E questo sarebbe un commento?

Che poi, ringraziando dio, le serie TV sono migliorate sotto questo aspetto: le romanticherie adolescenziali inutili e prolisse, sono roba commerciale che, fortunatamente, non attizza più come prima.